Delta State University has provided course offerings in business since 1925, the year the institution opened for its first regular session. Course offerings were organized along departmental lines in 1928 when a Department of Commerce was formed. The name of the department has changed a number of times, with each change reflecting a broadening scope in offerings and objectives. The Department of Commerce was renamed the Division of Business Education in 1944; changed to the Department of Business in 1948; renamed the Division of Business and Economics in 1958; in 1969, the name was changed to the School of Business; and in 1999, the name was changed to the College of Business. In 2017, the name was changed to the College of Business and Aviation.
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
- Accountancy
- Computer Information Systems
- Finance,
- General Business (Concentration in Entrepreneurship & General Business Administration),
- Management (Concentration in Human Resources Management, International Business, Management, Services Management, Supply Chain Management)
- Marketing
Bachelor of Commercial Aviation (BCA)
- Aviation management
- Aviation Management Logistics
- Flight Operations
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Master of Business Administration (Traditional)
- Integrated Master of Business Administration
Master of Commercial Aviation (MCA)
Master of Professional Accountancy (MPAC)

All BCA programs are nationally accredited by the Aviation Accreditation Board International

All BBA majors, the MBA and MPAC programs are nationally accredited by the Accreditation Council of Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).